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Our Congressional Advocacy advances the interests of the Hispanic business community on a wide range of policy issues of our members and the more than 63.5 million Latinos living in the United States.

For 45 years, the USHCC has been the leading voice for Hispanic business owners in America.

With a focus on economic prosperity, we work to ensure that America’s small business community has a seat at the table as policies and programs are being designed and implemented.

Our Advocacy is driven by three main goals


Grow opportunities for Hispanic businesses

We open doors and expand opportunities for Hispanic Enterprises to grow.

USHCC Energy Conference Attendees Listening to Speaker


Support the broader U.S. Hispanic Community

We advocate for policies that realize the potential of the Hispanic community.

Woman standing next to table at legislative summit


Integrate Hispanic business into the global economy

We position Hispanic businesses at the vanguard of the global economy.

Group of women business owners holding up an award